Meet Janet: Bartender, Educator, Mom

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Meet Janet, bartender, educator, mom – not necessarily in that order. As you can see, Janet loves to soar like an eagle (ahem #eagles).

Young mom jumping in air in green field with glasses on waistline

You'd never know it, but she's hit a point in life where a pair of +1 readers have become her new best friend. Now clearly Janet rocks readers better than most; however, she also knows the daily struggle that comes with keeping them close. So where does this bartender place her glasses? On her head? Yeah that’s not going to work. How about her shirt collar? Bend over for ice...tumble!

Nope Janet locks em’ in on the waistband…

Today, Janet gave her +1s a partner to help carry the load. Now she’s even got a pocket to lock-it. With her new #gripperclip, we’re hopeful Janet can avoid finally having to buy a new pair every week. Goodbye 👋 backup readers, hello GripperClip.



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  • Protects Your Glasses

  • Clips to Pants